A complete guide to Gluten
August 06, 2021 | Sara Shoukat Ali

A complete guide to Gluten

Gluten belongs to protein storage family known as prolamins that includes barley, spelt, wheat and rye etc. it includes 75–85% of the complete protein in bread wheat.  These proteins do not provide any energy and indigestible. It goes about as binding agent. It’s what gives mixture its versatility and grain-based items their shape, surface and strength. The vast majority can endure gluten with no adverse impacts. Notwithstanding, it can mess up individuals with certain medical issue. Gluten is questionable nowadays. Most sources guarantee that it is ok for everybody aside from the individuals who have celiac illness. Then again, some wellbeing specialists accept that gluten is bad for the vast majority.

Health benefits of gluten

Gluten may likewise go about as a prebiotic, taking care of the "great" microorganisms in our bodies. Arabinoxylan oligosaccharide is a prebiotic carbohydrate gotten from wheat grain that has been appeared to animate the action of bifidobacteria in the colon. These microscopic organisms are ordinarily found in a sound human gut. Changes in their sum or action have been related with gastrointestinal infections including provocative inside sickness, irritable bowel disorder and colorectal disease.

 Food sources that contain gluten are significant wellsprings of supplements, including protein and iron. At the point when not done cautiously, gluten free diets can prompt inadequacies.

What are Problems related to gluten?

A few groups respond diversely to gluten, where the body detects it as a poison, making one's immune cells blow up and assault it. On the off chance that an accidentally sensitive individual keeps on eating gluten, this makes a sort of fight ground bringing about irritation. The results can go from gentle (exhaustion, bulging, diarrhea and constipation) to serious (unexpected weight reduction, lack of healthy sustenance, intestinal harm) as found in auto-immune disorder such as celiac disease. Five major problems related to gluten require gluten free diet or elimination of gluten from diet such as: 

Celiac diseases: it is autoimmune disorder in this condition person cannot eat gluten if he eats then immune system attacks and damage the intestinal cells. 

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: is a condition portrayed by intestinal and extra-intestinal side effects identified with the ingestion of gluten-containing food sources without celiac sickness and wheat allergy.

Wheat allergy or wheat sensitivity: A hypersensitivity to at least one of the proteins (gluten, egg whites; albumins, globulin, gliadin) found in wheat, determined to have positive immunoglobulin E blood tests and a food challenge.

Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a persistent immune system itchy and blistering skin condition portrayed by blisters loaded up with a watery fluid that is strongly irritated. It is common in celiac disease or gluten sensitivity-enteropathy. 

Gluten ataxia: it is autoimmune disorder of nervous system in which body reacts to gluten and irreversibly damage nervous system especially cerebellum the part of brain. 

What is Gluten intolerance?

At the point when an individual gets sensitive to gluten or it very well may be said that individual can't process the gluten. So it is prescribed to take gluten free eating routine.  It does not lead to severe symptoms that need emergency care anyhow gluten intolerant individuals not feel well after taking gluten containing food. 

Gluten intolerance individual suffer many symptoms that may vary person to person which includes:

Bloating: it is common sign you feel abdominal gas or swollen belly after consuming gluten. 

Abdominal pain: it is very common in gluten intolerance persons. Almost 83% persons feel unwell and complaint about abdominal pain. 

Constipation, diarrhea and smelly feces:  these are all common and happened at regular intervals in gluten sensitive persons. 50% persons suffer diarrhea whereas 25% persons constipation.

Headache or migraine: if you feel headache or migraine in regular routine you may suffer gluten intolerance. 

Nausea or feeling unwell: gluten intolerance patient feel nausea after eating gluten items and it is very common. 

Feeling tired or anemia: gluten intolerance persons feel fatigue or extremely tiredness especially after taking gluten meal. These persons may be anemic or iron-deficient that leads to tiredness and energy deficiency.

Autoimmune disorders: gluten intolerance person may also have autoimmune disorders such as celiac diseases that include attacking to digestive track after eating gluten, autoimmune thyroid disorder that leads to depressive and emotional disorders. 

Joint and muscle pain: gluten intolerance may results into oversensitive nervous system that lead to joint and muscle pain

Brain fog: it is common in gluten intolerance persons. Brain fog or foggy mind involves not thinking clearly, forgetfulness and mental tiredness.

Other symptoms includes: depression, anxiety, skin problems, tingling or numbness in arms or legs. 

What is gluten-free diet?

It is necessary for gluten intolerance persons to take gluten-free diet. Following are some gluten free foods that are super healthy;

Gluten free grains: Sorghum ,oat, Quinoa, Amaranth, Teff, Buckwheat, Brown rice, Corn, Wild rice, Arrow root and millet

Gluten-free fruits and vegetables: banana, apple, citrus fruit, berries, peach, pear, mushroom, carrot, onion, greens i.e. spinach, starchy vegetables i.e. potato etc.

Gluten-free proteins:  red meat, poultry, sea food, seeds, nuts, legumes etc. 

Gluten-free dairy products:  milk, butter, cream, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, and sour cream. 

Gluten-free fatty food:  ghee, oil, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, canola oil and sunflower oil.

Gluten-free drinks and beverages: water, coffee, tea, fruit juices, lemonade, soda, some energy drinks

Although you are taking gluten free diet so you have to make sure that you can compensate some essential vitamins and minerals from another source because mostly processed gluten-free diets are deficient of vitamins and some minerals. 


Sara Shoukat Ali

MS in molecular biology & currently working in Queen Mary College as a lecturer