December 23, 2020 | Farah Jassawalla


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Fibromyalgia is musculoskeletal pain disorder that results into sleep, memory, fatigue and mood issues. It is believed that fibromyalgia intensifies painful sensations by influencing the brain and spinal cord process. Indications frequently start after an occasion, for example, actual injury, medical procedure, contamination or huge mental pressure. In different cases, side effects progressively amass over the long run with no single setting off occasion.

It has been observed that females are more chances of having fibromyalgia than men. Numerous individuals who have fibromyalgia additionally have pressure cerebral pains, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, depression, anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome. There is no appropriate treatment for it only it can be controlled by variety of medications. Regular exercise, relaxation therapy and other therapies may help to minimize it. 

What are causes? 

Doctors are not certain about the exact cause of fibromyalgia. There are few suggestions here that increase the chances of fibromyalgia. 

If you are female

If you have anxiety or depression

If you suffer other painful diseases i.e. arthritis or other infection

If you are physically or emotionally abused

If you do not involve in any physical activity i.e. exercise

If any of your close relation has fibromyalgia.


Sign and symptoms:

The primary signs and symptoms include:

Sensation of pain:  consistent dull pain that has gone on for at any rate three month. To be viewed as widespread the pain must happen on the two sides of your body or more above and beneath your waist.

Fatigue: Individuals with fibromyalgia frequently   awaken tired despite the fact that they report dozing for significant stretches of time. Rest is frequently disturbed by sensation of pain, and numerous patients with fibromyalgia have other rest issues, for example, sensation of restlessness in legs and sleep apnea.

Cognitive disorders: it is also called as fibro fog; a person feels difficulty to focus, to pay attention and to concentrate on mental tasks and don’t memorize things or life events easily.

Other symptoms that may vary and depends upon the individual:

Anxiety and depression

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Postural tachycardia syndrome

Migraine and other types of headaches

Irritable bowel syndrome

painful bladder syndrome or Interstitial cystitis 

Temporomandibular joint disorders

Main targeted points:

Healthcare and other researchers observed some points that are mostly triggered by fibromyalgia are:

Backside of head

Upper side of shoulder

Upper portion of chest


Outer portion of elbows


Risk factors:

Some of the risk factors that increases the chances of developing fibromyalgia:

Age: as you become old the chances of having fibromyalgia becomes high. However, children may also develop fibromyalgia.

Gender: most of the currently diagnosed cases of fibromyalgia are women but Despite the fact that the reason behind this gender dissimilarity isn't clear.

Family history: if any of your family member or close relation have fibromyalgia then chances of your getting it also becomes high.

Diseases: having arthritis, lupus, or RA may increase the risk of fibromyalgia.

What is the treatment of fibromyalgia?

Although there is no cure currently but some of the medication can be helpful in relieve of fibromyalgia.

Combination of following treatment may be helpful:

Taking low doses painkillers and antidepressants

Taking psycotherapies i.e. counseling or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

Do regular physical activities i.e. exercise

Take relaxation therapies i.e. massage, acupuncture

Some of the dietary measures can be helpful in improving the symptoms

o Having high energy foods that are low in sugars like almonds, avocados etc

o Cutting out the fermentable carbohydrates

o Avoiding foods that are rich in gluten 

o Avoiding to eat additives and excitotoxin

o Try to eat more seeds and nuts


There is no test that tells about fibromyalgia so your doctors ask about your past medical issues and suggest blood tests to check the hormone level and inflammation signs as well as x-rays. 


There is no conclusive remedy for fibromyalgia, yet greater treatment choices and more clear indicative models are presently accessible. Indications can improve fundamentally, as long as the patient follows their treatment plan.

Farah Jassawalla

Farah Jassawalla is a graduate of the Lahore School of Economics. She is also a writer, and healthcare enthusiast, having closely observed case studies while working with Lahore's thriving general physicians at their clinics.