Post Natal Care: Taking care of yourself so you can take care of the baby
January 22, 2021 | Farah Jassawalla

Post Natal Care: Taking care of yourself so you can take care of the baby

Giving birth is a very exhausting and painful ordeal, especially for new mothers. Mothers need to take care of themselves and their babies to ensure no complications arise. Post Natal care involves treatment and training in the 7-8 weeks following birth that allows mothers and babies to live a healthy, fulfilling life.

After birth, the mother and her baby should be regularly evaluated to ensure that no complications arise. The first 24 hours are the most crucial and sensitive for the two; therefore, special care must be undertaken. Aside from their physical well-being, their mental health should also be evaluated and taken care of.

Some of the common aspects that need to be taken care of include: 

1. Recovery Time

Pregnancies are tough on the body as well as the mind of a new mother. Before the mom rushes back to her regular schedule, she must be careful to get adequate rest and time to recover. New mothers need to understand that they do not need to handle everything independently, and they deserve to ask for help without any reservations. 

There are a few things you can do to get adequate rest and downtime:

Have your partner carry some of the baby’s responsibilities, such as feeding, changing, and bathing it.

Try to align your sleeping schedule with that of the baby.

Do not hesitate to hire additional help or ask a family member for support.

Do not forget to take time out for yourself every day to do something you love. Having hobbies is very important. 


2. Diet and Nutrition

Most mothers are so busy with childcare that they completely forget about their physical well-being. The weight gained during pregnancy ensures that they produce ample milk for the baby, so be careful that you are not in too much of a hurry to lose those extra pounds. Some other things you need to be careful about are:

Eating fresh whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, and yogurt. Food with lots of mineral and vitamins ensure that you recover as soon as possible.

Try increasing the amount of protein you consume, as that is important to increase your strength.

Take supplements of essential minerals needed by your body, such as Iron and Iodine. 

Lose weight in a manner that is safe for you and your baby. Do not try unsafe or extreme diets that require you to cut off certain food groups.

Try staying physically active, but let your body recover before you start high-intensity exercises.


3. Mental Health

Most women experience post-partum depression that characterizes mood swings, anxiety, and crying. Some may even experience psychosis that can result in severe obsessive thoughts about the baby and delusions. 

Emotional stability is very important for new mothers, so regular evaluations from a medical health professional are important. Care should be taken regarding the following to ensure that your mental health does not deteriorate. 

Practice self-care and try prioritizing yourself along with your baby’s health.

Discuss the possibilities of medication or therapy with your partner. Make sure you are not afraid to ask for their help. 

Do not be afraid of taking some time out for yourself to focus on your mental well-being.

If you're experiencing any symptoms of Post-partum depression, do not hesitate to contact a medical help professional and ask for help. Shifa4U allows you to contact doctors all over the country from the comfort of your home. Visit Shifa4U’s website now to book your first online consultation.

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Farah Jassawalla

Farah Jassawalla is a graduate of the Lahore School of Economics. She is also a writer, and healthcare enthusiast, having closely observed case studies while working with Lahore's thriving general physicians at their clinics.